Proximity to Airport places us in an ideal position to handle airfreight and courier shipments worldwide for both export and import.

The enormous number of airlines operating to and from China means that there are a vast number of services available, but the standards and transit times between different carriers can vary considerably, as can the rates available from them!

It is therefore very important to have the benefit of AE. GNL's knowledge and experience to provide you with expert advice.

Through carefully negotiated agreements with various carriers, wholesalers and brokers we can provide a first class selection of services to suit your every requirement. AE.GNL can advise you on all kinds of airfreight and courier services, from the cheapest transhipped options to the most reliable and efficient direct daily services.

Rest assured, that all airfreight consignments that move through AE.GNL's warehouse, airfreight consignments undergo constant managerial physical monitoring.

Every consignment AE.GNL receives, is checked by our managerial staff to ensure that as far as we can see it is the correct goods, they are packed and marked correctly, and meet all our customers requirements. Most warehouse staff are not experts in shipping and forwarding, and as you probably know from your own past experience, something that may be unimportant to them could be the difference between a happy customer and a dissatisfied one.

We will gladly put you in touch with an existing customer for you to take a reference on this service.